Molong Central School

School / Last updated 4 years, 11 months ago

Molong Central School is located 30 minutes west of the large regional centre of Orange and  has an enrolment of 508 students in K-12  14% of the school population are Aboriginal. Students come from a diverse range of socio economic backgrounds and as a result equity and student wellbeing are valued by the whole school community.


The school's unique K-12 setting creates opportunities for students and staff. The Primary department hosts 9 composite classes. There is a focus on numeracy and literacy and Molong Central School is a "Bump it Up" school and achieved the target of increasing the mount of students in the top 2 NAPLAN bands in 2017. Numeracy and literacy remains a focus in the current School Plan.


STEM has also been embraced by he school community and their are also opportunities available for students in Creative and Performing Arts. Sport is valued by the school community with outstanding individual and team results in PSSA competitions.


Molong Central School is focussing on improving cultural competencies in students and staff in response to the increased numbers of Aboriginal students.

02 63668224
02 63668220
68-70 Phillip St
New South Wales
68-70 Phillip St
