Mitchell High School

School / Last updated 5 years ago

Mitchell High School is a comprehensive high school (enrolment over 980 students including over 53% from EAL/D backgrounds and at least 10% are from a refugee background). The school has a highly motivated staff providing quality learning opportunities for the students. The school has an excellent reputation in the community and achieves sound results in the RoSA and HSC. Mitchell High is a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) school and student learning is enhanced as a result. Provisions are made for high achievers and those needing additional support through an active Learning Support Team. The school has excellent ICT facilities and a focus on developing ICT skills. The school is recognised as a leader in establishing international links, with 7 overseas high schools enjoying close ties with Mitchell High School. This outstanding program has led to hundreds of students experiencing different cultures. The school utilises strong links within the Nirimba Learning Community to facilitate the collegial sharing of ideas and programs to improve transition from primary to high school and develop coordinated approaches to literacy and numeracy. Mitchell High has strong links with the community, resulting in excellent transition programs for Year 10 into Year 11 and post school transitioning. 91% of Mitchell High School students undertake studies at either TAFE or University. Our school offers traditional values within an environment of high expectations. Leadership is developed through programs and responsibilities within the school community.

02 96229944
02 98312805
Keyworth Drive
New South Wales
32 Keyworth Dr
