Minerva School is a specialised K-12 setting catering for students with mild to moderate intellectual disability, emotional disturbance, mental health and/or autism. Students often have associated support needs due to sensory processing disorders and behavioural difficulties.
The school creates individualised programs and plans to ensure all students needs are catered for. All students have an individual education plan (IEP), transition or vocational plan that has been developed in conjunction with parents, caregivers, community personnel and health care professionals.
Students from Kindergarten to Year 6 access the NESA curriculum and years 7 to 12 students work towards Life Skills outcomes.
Work experience, interschool sport and community access are key aspects of the schools focus and provides students with engaging and motivating learning opportunities. Minerva School prides itself on connecting with the community and working closely with external agencies to provide a multi-disciplinary approach to education.
Minerva School is establishing an additional K-3 multi-categorical class in 2020 and the Assistant Principal will be integral in this process and will be responsible for supervising the infants department of the school.
Eton St
New South Wales
Eton St
Sutherland, New South Wales, Australia