Miller Technology High School

School / Last updated 5 years, 5 months ago

Miller Technology High School is a comprehensive high school located in Sydney South West with an enrolment of approximately 660 students, with 81% of students from Language Backgrounds Other than English (LBOTE) and 7% Aboriginal students. A well-established Intensive English Centre is located onsite provides English instruction and cultural orientation for new arrivals, refugees and international students.  A Support Faculty established in 2015 provides high quality educational experiences for students with special learning needs.
The school has a low socio-economic status with a strong focus on quality teaching, literacy, numeracy, engagement and connected learning.  Our students have access to a broad curriculum with our Positive Behaviour for Learning core values of Respect, Inspire, Safe and Excel supporting an inclusive learning environment to aspire students to be the best they can possibly be.  What makes our school special is our enthusiastic staff and the number of unique partnerships with universities, industry and community organisations to enhance students’ real life learning and pathways to post-school options.
Our ultimate goal is to provide a holistic, relevant and significant education which develops resilient individuals who are empowered to think critically, creatively and will promote a community that values diversity, equity and excellence.


02 96078669
02 96079460
Cabramatta Ave
New South Wales
PO Box 361
