Medowie Public School

School / Last updated 4 years, 7 months ago

Medowie Public School is a place where students, parents and members of the community value and support each other. There are currently 356 students who attend the school. The school population is comprised of 12% of students identifying as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. The school has one Multicategorical Special Education class catering for students with diverse learning needs.


Medowie Public School is a member of the Lakeside Learning Community of Irrawang High School and its partner primary schools. The school works in close collaboration with these schools to develop and implement staff professional learning, curricula understanding and teaching and learning practices.


The school's teaching philosophies are focused on research-based best practice, allowing staff to actively ensure a culture of innovation centred on technology, personalised learning, effective learning spaces, bridging the gap between students' learning capabilities, the 4Cs and equipping them with 21st century skills. Medowie Public School is proud to be a PBL school and part of the Raymond Terrace Community PBL program.


02 49828222
02 49828732
15 Ferodale Rd
New South Wales
15 Ferodale Rd
