Mayfield East Public School is a dynamic school situated
approximately 6km from Newcastle. Established in 1858, it has a long and proud
tradition of strong community support, with an active and supportive Parents
and Citizens' Association. The school nurtures a sense of belonging and
involvement, where success across academic, social and emotional arenas is
celebrated, and we are proud of the wide range of extra-curricular and cultural
activities offered to students to broaden their horizons. Currently the school
has an enrolment of 265 students, of which 10% identify as Aboriginal or Torres
Strait Islander and 10% have a Language Background Other Than English. The
staff is a mix of early career and highly experienced teachers, all with a wide
range of skills, and both staff and parents hold high expectations for our
students. Our school is committed to building consistent, high quality
educational practices using evidence-based research to develop a future-focused
mindset, including teaching in flexible learning spaces with an emphasis on
21st Century learner qualities and Kagan Cooperative Learning Structures. There
is a strong integration of technology in the curriculum. The school is
currently building a solid grounding in coding, robotics and STEM/STEAM
programs. Student wellbeing is also a strong focus, building self-awareness and
care to help our students to reach their full potential. Our Stephanie
Alexander Kitchen Garden is a key feature of our school, where our students
learn sustainable and healthy living habits. Mayfield East Public School is a
proud member of Callaghan Education Pathways and the Muloobinbah Local AECG; we
work collaboratively with our learning community to maximise opportunities for
our students.