‘Mouri Motu, Mouri Tangata, Mouri Ora”
Plan a class trip to Matiu Somes Island in Wellington Harbour and experience authentic, curriculum linked environmental and cultural learning, inside and outside the classroom.
Taranaki Whānui and DOC work together as kaitiaki or guardians of Matiu Somes Island. Visit the island and learn about the focus topics of Ecology, People, and History. You can search out our taonga species including tuatara, kākāriki, giant wētā, or little blue penguin/ kororā, or chance your hand at taking a picture of a quick mokomoko, gecko or skink.
Find out how to volunteer for one of our many restoration projects, hear about some of the exciting events happening on the island, or, explore our Māori and European heritage, from the polynesian explorer Kupe to Joseph Somes of the New Zealand Company.
Visit doc.govt.nz and search ‘Matiu Somes Island field trip’ for useful information to help you in planning a class study and field trip including: Primary and secondary learning outcomes, Teaching resources and School booking form.
East by West Ferries provide a regular service from central Wellington. For booking and scheduling information see eastbywest.co.nz.
East by West Ferries
1 Queens Wharf,
Phone: 04 499 1282
Department of
Conservation Visitor
Centre, 18-32 Manners St
Phone: 04 471 0726