Mathoura Public School is situated in a small rural community located in the Southern Riverina, between the townships of Deniliquin and Echuca. Mathoura Public School is the only school in the town, which has a population of approximately 700 people. The school has a current enrolment of 53 students with three composite classes. 9% of students are of Aboriginal background.
The school offers high quality, differentiated education programs delivered by dedicated staff, in a supportive and nurturing learning environment catering for all students. As a 'Positive Behaviour for Learning' school, our values of being ‘Respectful, Responsible & Resilient' are embedded in programs, practices and relationships.
The school maintains a strong partnership with parents and the community through an active Parents and Citizens (P&C), who provide support for resources to enhance student learning and opportunities.
A copy of the school plan and annual school report can be found on the school website: