Marrickville West Public School

School / Last updated 4 years ago

Marrickville West Primary School has an enrolment of 420 students. The school serves a culturally and socially diverse community, including 50% of families representing 42 language groups and 9% with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander backgrounds.  Marrickville West P.S. benefits from its partnerships with an active Parents and Citizens Committee (P&C), a School as Community Centre (SaCC), a dynamic professional staff and a highly supportive community. The school has a strong Learning and Wellbeing Team, and is committed to ongoing school improvement, quality teaching, collaborative practice and inclusive education. The Support Unit coordinates personalised learning plans across three support classes for students diagnosed with autism and/or moderate intellectual delay. All students benefit from meaningful inclusion in an age-appropriate, mainstream class and whole school activities. The position of Assistant Principal Special Education will contribute professional support and expertise to the school's Leadership Team, Learning and Support Team, teaching staff, parents and community. The successful applicant will enhance professional capacity, effective partnerships and an educational environment that enables all students to learn, belong, succeed and thrive.


02 95581137
02 95595961
Livingstone Rd
New South Wales
271A Livingstone Rd
