Maroota Public School

School / Last updated 3 years, 10 months ago

Maroota Public School is a small semi–rural school situated in the Hawkesbury region. The school takes great pride in providing a safe and highly educational environment for each student to explore their learning potential. Maroota Public School has an enrolment of 19 students and operates two classes, which caters for a wide range of needs and learning abilities. The small school atmosphere and small class sizes enable genuine relationships to develop ensuring that individual needs are met.

Maroota Public School is an active member of the Hawkesbury Small Schools Learning Community. The school works closely with the neighbouring schools of Macdonald Valley Public School, Wisemans Ferry Public School and Cattai Public School to provide a diverse range of learning opportunities for all students.

Parental support and community participation is strong, welcomed and valued. There is a strong partnership between the school and its P&C, which has led to positive relationships with parents, carers and the wider community. A before and after school care facility operates within the school grounds.

02 45668231
02 45668388
Old Northern Rd
New South Wales
Old Northern Rd
