Marayong South Public School

School / Last updated 5 years, 1 month ago

Marayong South Public School has an approximate enrolment of 345 students, of which close to 5% are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and close to 60% of students have language backgrounds other than English. Our school focus is to develop safe, respectful learners and to ensure the wellbeing and success of every child.

Our teachers improve the Literacy and Numeracy skills of our students by engaging them in future focussed programs to develop skills in collaboration, problem solving and critical thinking. Our active P&C work alongside staff, students and families to support our vision for a positive, productive school environment, where everyone feels a sense of belonging and community.

02 96224216
02 98313562
64 Mcclean St
New South Wales
64 Mcclean St
