Marayong Public School

School / Last updated 5 years, 5 months ago
Marayong Public School is situated in Western Sydney. The school has a student population of approximately 580 students and includes a support unit with seven classes and a preschool that caters for 80 students. The school demographic includes 58% NESB students from 29 nationalities, including a growing intake of refugee students, 46 different languages and 24 Aboriginal and Torres Islander students. Success in literacy and numeracy continues to be the school’s focus. This is supported through the Early Action for Success initiative (EAfS). Marayong successfully implements Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) through the ongoing commitment and support of our students, staff and parents. Marayong PS is committed to equity in education. School and community initiatives and programs strive to ensure every student aspires to be a lifelong learner. The school motto “Learn by Doing” is reflected in its day–to–day practice. The school endeavours to prepare students for the future and support them in becoming confident, independent adults.

02 96222394
02 98313795
Davis Rd
New South Wales
Davis Rd
