Lawson Public School

School / Last updated 5 years, 4 months ago

Lawson Public School comprises 8 mainstream classes and 3 classes in the support unit. The school has an enrolment of 202 students. Our committed staff provide evidence-based quality learning experiences designed to cater for students individual needs.  The students come from a range backgrounds and we strive to connect  and partner with each family to ensure the educational goals of each child is a priority. We have a strong positive behaviour for learning culture with in the school which fosters safe, respectful and responsible learners. The staff focus on continual improvement in professional practice with evidence-based teaching practice at the core of all professional development. School and community partnerships are fostered through our proactive P & C, ongoing communication and community assemblies and events.. The school belongs to both the Upper Blue Mountains and Mid Mountains Learning Communities and participates in combined professional learning and projects, transition programs for Kindergarten students, as well as Year Six students who are preparing for High School.

02 47591196
02 47592693
1 Wilson St
New South Wales
1 Wilson St
