Kooringal Public School

School / Last updated 4 years, 1 month ago

Kooringal Public School is located in Wagga Wagga. It provides learning opportunities for approximately 460 students. The school includes an IO/IS support class, 12% of students from Defence Service families and 15% of students from Aboriginal families.

We maintain a strong focus on student welfare and are a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) school.

Kooringal Public School has a dedicated focus on Future Focused Learning utilising Project Based Learning and STEAM pedagogies. As a school, we continually strive to provide challenging and inspiring 21st Century Learning with a strong focus on developing successful, confident and responsible students who strive to be creative and resilient.

The school is strongly supported by staff, parents, an active and engaged Parents and Citizens Association, the Riverina Conservatorium of Music and our Defence Services community.  

02 69226443
02 69262034
361 Lake Albert Rd
Wagga Wagga
New South Wales
361 Lake Albert Rd
