Kempsey West Public School is located in Kempsey on the Mid North Coast of NSW. There are 407 students enrolled at the school with 221 of these identifying as Aboriginal. Our school has several support classes including and IO/IS, IM and 4 x MC. The school has a strong commitment to literacy and numeracy outcomes (EAFS) and is creating a dynamic, child focussed centre of excellence for learning.
Our wraparound staff support model includes 2.4 EFT instructional leaders, with a focus on developing reflective practice, supported by research based programs to successfully achieve and/or maintain teacher accreditation. We are creating a culture where staff openly and positively collaborate to get what is best for our students. Our school has a strong connection to Macleay Public Schools and we will be actively developing programs that focus on delivering cultural/environmental/resilience at the new Hickeys Creek Campus.