Kemblawarra Public School

School / Last updated 5 years, 2 months ago
Kemblawarra Public School is a dynamic primary school that provides a quality education for preschool, mainstream and support class students. We are a proud member of the Warrawong Community of Schools.

Our 2019 enrolments include 94 students from Kindergarten to Year 6. Support Classes have a capacity of 35 students. Our onsite Kemblawarra Public School Preschool includes 70 students and runs on a five day per fortnight enrolment system. We currently have four mainstream classes, five support classes and two preschool classes. The support classes cater for students in multi categorical, autism and emotional disturbance classes.

The school has 25 Aboriginal students currently enrolled and has a strong commitment to Aboriginal education, employing a fulltime Aboriginal Education Officer. Kemblawarra Public School and Preschool promotes community involvement through a variety of programs. Relationships with parents and caregivers are valued and promoted. The school has strong and existing partnerships with external agencies to enhance opportunities for students.

Kemblawarra Public School strives for excellence and high expectations in teaching and learning through all curriculum areas, in particular literacy and numeracy with the inclusion of technology. The school continues to be part of the Early Action for Success (EAfS) initiative to improve students' performance in literacy and numeracy, with a part time Instructional Leader.

The school has a strong focus on meeting individual learning needs to best support student growth and development including student wellbeing. The school has commenced the process of implementing Positive Behaviour for Learning.
02 42742024
02 42762871
Shellharbour Rd
Port Kembla
New South Wales
134B Shellharbour Rd
