Katoomba North Public School

School / Last updated 4 years ago

Katoomba North Public School has a population of 140 students including 12% Aboriginal students and 17% students with language backgrounds other than English. Students epitomise the school’s values of being safe respectful learners.  Katoomba North Public School’s wellbeing practices including Positive Behaviour for Learning and Second Step provide the foundation for students to demonstrate emotional resilience, independence and become confident achievers.

Katoomba North is known for its broad creative arts program with students excelling in weekly music lessons, dance, choir, recorder, art, bi-annual musicals and performances in the local community.  The school is excited to be partnering with Sydney Opera House in a three-year creative arts project.

Katoomba North’s positive culture is underpinned by staff who are dedicated to improving academic outcomes in all curriculum areas for all students.  Teaching staff are supported by experienced SLSOs who work across the school.  The school enjoys a strong positive relationship with parents and the local community. The successful applicant will be expected to manage the role of Assistant Principal across K-6.

02 47822743
02 47823871
Barton St
New South Wales
1-17 Verdun St
