Kandos High School

School / Last updated 5 years, 3 months ago


Kandos High School (enrolment 215 students) is a co-educational high school catering for the towns of Kandos and Rylstone and five smaller rural feeder schools. The area is renowned for its mining and rural industries and its picturesque location at the base of escarpment country bordering the Wollemi National Park. The school facilities have undergone a major upgrade recently with the addition of a Multi Purpose Centre with state of the art sporting and performing art facilities. It has also become a beneficiary of the Federal Government's Trade Training Centre initiative, with major upgrades to Hospitality and Metal and Engineering vocational education facilities. The school also shares a brand new library facility with our neighbouring primary school. Kandos High School strives to provide a comprehensive, balanced education program for its diverse range of students and prides itself on the quality of its student welfare programs. A tradition of strong academic achievement has ensured that the school enjoys community confidence in its ability to deliver, in a sustained manner, impressive student outcomes across a broad curriculum.

The demographics of the school has undergone some recent changes due to a growing number of students from a low socioeconomic background and those with increasingly complex support needs. The school is committed to providing opportunities for all students with a focus on technology, retention, individualised learning and the support of innovative teaching, learning and engagement strategies. Our committed staff work extremely hard to provide a safe, caring environment that caters for the needs of all students and their individual chosen path.


02 63794103
02 63794818
16-36 Fleming St
New South Wales
16-36 Fleming St
