J J Cahill Memorial High School

School / Last updated 5 years, 2 months ago

J. J. Cahill Memorial High School is located in Mascot, a fast-growing residential area. The school has a solid focus on community and works closely with families to support the learning and wellbeing needs of all students. JJCMHS focuses on delivering quality teaching and learning underpinned by evidence-based practices and improved student learning outcomes, particularly literacy and numeracy. The school provides an environment that promotes engagement in learning, challenging students to strive for success, and is a Positive Behaviour for Learning school. The school has an emphasis on supporting student wellbeing. Trauma informed practices and positive behaviour for learning underpin student teacher relationship, behaviour management and teaching practices.

JJCMHS works closely with its community. It has developed strong and effective partnerships with local primary schools and high schools, universities, local agencies and businesses. The school employs a family referral service social worker providing strategic support through its learning and wellbeing team.

JJCMHS caters for the needs of students with a wide range of academic ability. Students come from diverse cultural and socio-economic backgrounds and enrolments are currently at 330, including approximately 15 students who are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. The school's support unit caters for students with mild and moderate intellectual disabilities as well as students with an autism diagnosis. The school is committed to providing opportunities for students from the support unit to integrate into mainstream classes.

Sutherland St
New South Wales
Sutherland St
Rosebery, New South Wales, Australia
