Irrawang High School

School / Last updated 5 years, 5 months ago

Irrawang High School was established in 1983 and attracts students primarily from Medowie, and Wirreanda Public Schools in Medowie and Irrawang and Grahamstown Public Schools in Raymond Terrace.

Irrawang High School has an enrolment of 941 students (Years 7-12), with 14% of students having an Aboriginal Torres Strait Island background. The school promotes excellence in academic, cultural and sporting performance and also provides a wide range of creative and performing arts opportunities and involvement in sport. The school has implemented a range of strategies to support the education of gifted and talented students. 

Significant equity funding allows the school to implement a number of successful initiatives that assist the wellbeing and academic education of students and support for families. The school has five support classes. A strong transition program is in place with our partner primary schools. The schools Positive Behaviour for Learning expectations are Respect, Responsibility and Personal Best. 

There is an extensive support staff that includes an Aboriginal Education Worker, Community Liaison Officer, Defence Transition Mentor and School Chaplain. The school enjoys the strong support of an active P&C and the local business community. Irrawang High School is an integral part of the Lakeside Learning Community and works closely with the Youyoong Local AECG.

Further information is available on the school website and facebook page.

02 49874687
02 49831027
80 Mount Hall Rd
Raymond Terrace
New South Wales
80 Mount Hall Rd
