Hunter River High School is a comprehensive, co-educational secondary school with an enrolment of approximately 850 students, 20% of whom identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander. Our school is located on Worimi land, close to the Hunter River at Heatherbrae, south of Raymond Terrace. 'Quality Relationships - Quality Learning' is the motto that underpins our communityâs belief that quality educational outcomes are achieved when all partners in the educational process work collaboratively in a supportive, harmonious environment. Through high expectations and embedded Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) values of Harmony, Respect, Honesty and Success, the school provides a learning environment that aims to give each student the opportunity to reach their highest potential. Hunter River High School offers an innovative curriculum that includes a full academic load plus locally-significant programs including a wide range of nationally accredited Vocational Education and Training opportunities. Hunter River High School is a P-TECH (Pathways in Technology) Pilot school, a leader in STEM education initiatives, and provides extensive programs enhancing Aboriginal education, Literacy and Numeracy outcomes.
Additional information is located on the school website at