Homebush Public School

School / Last updated 4 years, 3 months ago

Homebush Public School has an enrolment of 516 students, including 98% of students from a non-English speaking background. Our school serves a diverse community and has a strong focus on teacher professional learning with an emphasis on visible learning using explicit teaching. All staff are committed professionals who place learning and wellbeing at the centre of their teaching practice. Our teachers are motivated and work collaboratively in stage teams. Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) brings together our whole-school community to contribute to developing a positive, safe and supportive learning culture for our students. The school also has a strong sporting and creative arts tradition with an emphasis on inclusivity.  For further information please refer to our 2019 Annual School Report and our 2018 - 2020 School Management Plan which can be found on our school website: www.homebushpublicschool.com.au

02 97469171
02 97463516
Rochester St
New South Wales
26 The Crescent
