Hill Top Public School

School / Last updated 3 years, 4 months ago

Hill Top Public School is a small regional school located at the northern end of the Southern Highlands. The school is a focal point of the community and caters for students in Kindergarten to Year 6. There are 130 students enrolled in 6 mainstream classes. A strong and collegial partnership has already been established between our school and Yanderra Public school. Our strategic planning mirrors our commitment to building learning resilience, student engagement, challenge learning, positive behaviours and new ways of learning. Instructional leaders have supported all staff in our school for the past 5 years. An exciting opportunity exists for the successful APCI applicant to lead the development of innovative department supported practices and processes, resulting in a shared student centred, culture focussed on engagement, deep understanding, questioning and dialogue.

The Assistant Principal, Curriculum and Instruction position is a leadership role dedicated to ensuring that literacy and numeracy knowledge and skills are embedded in curriculum and assessment; high quality teaching practices are enhanced; and the capabilities of middle leaders are strengthened in literacy and numeracy instruction. It shares the broader educational imperatives of the Assistant Principal position but with an explicit focus on the leadership of effective, evidence-based literacy and numeracy teaching and assessment practices for improved student learning outcomes across the curriculum.

The Assistant Principal, Curriculum and Instruction provides high support and guidance to enhance teacher growth and development in literacy and numeracy and strengthens schoolwide instructional capabilities across the curriculum for middle and senior leaders.

02 48898227
02 48898224
Linda St
Hill Top
New South Wales
Linda St
