Hebersham Public School

School / Last updated 4 years, 9 months ago

The school Hebersham Public School is located in Mt Druitt Western Sydney region established in 1972 on the land of the Dharug people has not changed significantly in almost two decades. Enrolment is currently 589 students with 50% from non-English speaking backgrounds and 21% from Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) backgrounds. There are 24 mainstream classes and three support classes - two for students with autism and one for students with emotional disorders.

Literacy, numeracy and student engagement remain the key focus areas. The Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) philosophy continues to be embedded into the school culture. Other targeted programs include Early Action for Success, Instructional Leader (Aboriginal Initiative), KAGAN Cooperative Learning Structures and Visible Learning.

The learning support team (LST) remains a key committee. The PBL/LST framework supports teachers, parents and carers in ensuring students' engagement in learning.  L3 is a key program. The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program is supported by the staff, students and community. The school has employed kitchen and garden specialists who conduct weekly lessons to all Stage 2 classes.

A key focus is the successful transition of preschoolers to school, especially Aboriginal students. An Aboriginal playgroup 'Koori Play and Chat', operates with the AEO being a key person in the team. The school also hosts a playgroup operated by Children's First with an average of 15 students attending each week. HPS competes successfully in the district sport and Public Speaking competitions and performs in dance festivals. The P&C Association strongly supports school programs.


02 96259133
02 98321456
Andover Crescent
New South Wales
12 Welwyn Rd
