Heathcote Public School

School / Last updated 4 years, 1 month ago

At Heathcote Public School we are committed to the pursuit of excellence. Our major purpose is to provide dynamic quality teaching and learning opportunities for our students in a positive learning environment.

Heathcote Public School is located in southern Sydney, neighbouring the Heathcote and Royal National Parks. Enrolments have trended slightly downwards in recent years and there are currently 325 students (11% LBOTE).

We have a vibrant blend of experienced and early career teachers who collaborate to provide a dynamic, safe and caring environment in which each student feels valued, nurtured and challenged to achieve individual excellence within a balanced curriculum framework.

A range of well-developed performing arts and sporting opportunities are on offer for the students including an extensive extra-curricular program. The school promotes quality welfare practices and enjoys strong partnerships with parents and the wider community. The school's motto "Success follows effort" and our school expectations of Safe, Respectful and Learner underpin all interactions and achievements.

02 95208759
02 95204638
Oliver St
New South Wales
30R Rosebery St
