Guyra Central School

School / Last updated 5 years, 1 month ago

Guyra Central School provides a future focused and personalised K-12 learning environment that embraces a culture of high expectation, wellbeing and achievement for all. In partnership with our broader community we equip our students with the skills to be successful, confident and creative individuals. Ultimately, our goal is to prepare our students for a rapidly changing world by fostering collaboration,critical thinking and flexibility.The school has a current enrolment of 321 students including 20.3% who identify as Aboriginal.


Our staff is progressive and motivated, our leadership team responsive. There is a strong school focus on sustaining a culture of learning through collaborative teaching practice. Learning priorities include Literacy and Numeracy, meeting the diverse learning needs of all students through targeted use of equity funding and the establishment of Wellbeing programs to promote continuous improvement.


Positive Behaviour for Learning has a high profile and impacts significantly, within the school, to address student wellbeing and consequently, student learning outcomes. Our Stage 4 students are engaged in a weekly STEAM Project that links with the University of Sydney. During Semester 2 2019 our STEAM project will include our Stage 3 students from Guyra Central School and our partnership primary schools.


02 67791844
02 67792035
27 Marne St
New South Wales
27 Marne St
