Guildford West Public School

School / Last updated 5 years, 2 months ago
Guildford West Public School has a current student enrolment of 405. This includes 79% of students from a Language Background Other Than English. 45% of our students come from an Arabic speaking background, 8.4% from a Farsi/Dari background, 5.1% come from a Pacific Islander background, 4.6% from a Turkish speaking background and 15.7% from other language backgrounds, including Mandarin, Hindi and Tagalog.
The school is PBL school, implementing four core values of being, “On Track”. The school expectations matrix was developed and communicated to the school community. Teachers have developed and teach lessons to our students to ensure that expectations are understood. 
As an Early Action for Success school, additional resources have been allocated that enable the school to provide tiered interventions that focus on literacy and numeracy outcomes for all student in Kindergarten to Year 6. L3 is being implemented across K-2 classes and Daily Five is being implemented across all 3-6 classes. There is a strong emphasis on these programs across the school, with staff receiving regular professional learning, coaching and mentoring in delivery of these programs.
Our 2018-2020 School Plan is for students at Guildford West Public School K-6 to think critically, communicate clearly, embrace culture, develop creativity, utilise connectivity, work collaboratively to become informed global citizens. Classes and teachers embed technology throughout teaching and learning programs utilising the Department's GSuite. We aim to create a stimulating and flourishing school community, supported by a positive collaborative culture.
02 96329942
02 98921197
23-51 Palmer St
New South Wales
23-51 Palmer St
