Greenethorpe Public School is a small rural school situated in the village of Greenthorpe, between Cowra, Grenfell and Young. The school was established in 1903. The current enrolment is 14. The students are all village residents.
Greenethorpe Public School aims to provide an education that will develop students intellectually, socially, physically and emotionally. As an Early Action for Success school, Greenthorpe places a strong emphasis on improving students’ literacy and numeracy skills and teacher practice.
The highly professional and dedicated staff work together to promote and maintain a stimulating and engaging professional environment for educators, supported by a positive culture that develops skilled and high performing teachers who provide a balanced, individualised and comprehensive curriculum within a supportive, safe and tolerant learning environment.
School staff, parents and the wider community work in partnership to set high expectations and continually improve student outcomes at Greenthorpe Public School. The school community is committed to developing individuals who are confident and self directed learners.