Public School is a small rural school located in the village of Gooloogong
approximately 40 kilometres from Cowra and Forbes and a kilometre from the
serene Lachlan River. The Current enrolments number at the school is 24 students. The school has two classes split into infants and
school is supported by an enthusiastic and energetic Parents and Citizens Association
(P&C) who actively support the schools priorities and raise funds to assist the school. The school is the focus for the
local community and the schools' facilities are made available to the community
throughout the year.
principal and teaching staff are part of the Cowra Network of Schools and are
supported through multiple professional learning activities including the Cowra
Small Schools Network (CSSN) and the Progressions Hub. Gooloogong PS also have partnerships with other local schools for social activities such as combined discos
and fundraising events.