Gloucester High School

School / Last updated 5 years ago

Gloucester High School is a comprehensive school serving the communities of the Bucketts Way. With a student population of 370 (12% Aboriginal), we offer a diverse and stimulating curriculum. A PBL school, we are proud of our school expectations of Care, Achievement, Respect, Effort, and Responsibility. The school is highly regarded and provides opportunities for all students through a range of academic, cultural, sporting, creative and performing arts and social experiences. The school community and staff are committed to providing a positive, inclusive and caring environment to engage and challenge students to reach their full potential. School priorities include literacy, numeracy, student wellbeing, Aboriginal education, community engagement, as well as student leadership, engagement and attainment.

02 65581605
02 65581229
129 Ravenshaw St
New South Wales
129 Ravenshaw St
