Glenfield Park School

School / Last updated 5 years, 4 months ago

Glenfield Park School is a School for Specific Purpose catering for 63 students who have been diagnosed with an emotional disturbance (ED). Most students have a mild intellectual disability (IM). The school caters for students from Kindergarten to Year 12. The school population is divided into 9 classes, with each class being staffed by a teacher and School Learning Support Officer (SLSO).  There is a total of 26 staff members employed at the school, 77% of teachers having a Master of Special Education degree.  Currently, 81% of our students are male, 23% from an Aboriginal background and 7% of students have English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EALD). Students come from schools throughout the Regional South. Currently, 92% of students travel to school by special transport.  


Roy Watts Rd
New South Wales
Roy Watts Rd
Glenfield, New South Wales, Australia
