Galston High School

School / Last updated 5 years, 3 months ago

Built around a small community, Galston High School is nestled within the picturesque semi-rural area of Galston and Dural. With a focus on providing high-quality educational opportunities, Galston High School provides a warm and supportive environment for all of its 650 students, offering a rich curriculum in a co-educational and comprehensive setting. Exceptional and area-leading results across the range of subjects are testimony to the school’s approach. Outside of the academic, students benefit from a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities, including sporting, cultural, agricultural and performing arts. A student-centred culture of leadership, with diverse roles in the many facets of school life, further enhances the positive and inclusive learning environment. This inclusiveness extends to the school’s special education unit, catering for students with autism, moderate intellectual disabilities and emotional disturbance.





02 96512222
02 96511054
403 Galston Rd
New South Wales
403 Galston Rd
