Forbes North Public School

School / Last updated 5 years, 3 months ago
Forbes North Public School, located in the town of Forbes in the central west of New South Wales, has a current enrolment of 269 students (38% Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander). The school provides quality teaching and learning through excellent programs which address the learning needs of all students. An Early Action for Success school, Forbes North has an Instructional Leader K-2 and an Instructional Leader 3-6 through the Aboriginal Initiatives program. Stringent data analysis provides teachers with the direction for future learning. There is a strong emphasis on improving student literacy and numeracy, staff professional learning and quality student wellbeing programs. The school is proud of the genuine partnership that exists between home and the school and offers a number of parent education classes to help parents and carers engage more fully with their child’s learning at school and at home.  The school also has a strong focus on sport, healthy lifestyle and environmental education which is exemplified through the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen/Garden Program. The school is recognised for the strong partnership which exists with the Aboriginal community, in particular for its Wiradjuri Language Program and for its outstanding extended transition program ‘Link Up to School’.

02 68522187
02 68521452
Cnr Thomson & Facey Sts
New South Wales
24 Facey St
