Five Islands School

School / Last updated 3 years, 2 months ago

Five Islands School is a special school located in Lake Macquarie West. The school is located within a diverse educational precinct including Lake Macquarie High School and Booragul Public School.

The school offers educational programs for 45 students with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities, physical and associated disabilities who are aged between four and eighteen years. Including 17% Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students. We have 7 classes each supported by a specialist teacher and a school learning support officer. Many students are transported through Assisted School Transport, and students come from a variety of cultural and socio-economic groups within the wider community. Enrolments are determined by a regional placement process where applicants have been clinically assessed for their disability status and suitability to the school. The school has a strong community reputation for quality programs and provision of outstanding education services.

02 49530145
02 49530166
1 Marmong St
New South Wales
1 Marmong St
