Fahan School

School / Last updated 2 years, 9 months ago

Fahan School offers girls and young women an environment in which they are given every chance to flourish. They are cared for and educated in an inclusive, positive and dynamic school environment which cherishes and fosters excellence, resilience and creativity. Fahan is a school that has a clear sense of purpose, an extraordinarily beautiful campus and a deep connection to its community.

Our Vision 

To enlighten, inspire and ignite young minds and hearts.

Our Mission 

To create a community in which all people flourish. To instil a deep love of learning and the development of right principles that empower each Fahan girl to step confidently into her future. 

Our Values 

Our values represent the deepest beliefs and sentiments to which we can aspire, and they shape our School Community. 


We foster a culture of inquiry for knowledge and truth. 

The pursuit of these is fuelled by curiosity, creativity, and a strong desire for achieving personal excellence. We encourage initiative and innovation, independence and flexibility. 


We honour our founders by living the true spirit of Fahan. 

Our spirit is defined by courage, integrity and honesty. We are proud of who we are and celebrate our individuality. 


Care, connection and belonging empowers every individual to flourish at Fahan School. 

Kindness, gratitude and respect are found in all our words and deeds. We take a genuine interest in the wellbeing of others and we celebrate difference and diversity.


Strategic Plan 2021-2025

Founder of Fahan School, Miss Isobel Travers wrote in 1939 that an education worth having should include “First, training in right thinking; that is, training in ability to use their judgement independently. Secondly, flexibility of mind, which is able to grasp the possibilities of the future and to make something of them. Thirdly, trained ability – the ability to do things, and to do them well; in a world where all must play their part it is those who have trained themselves to use their powers who will find the most enjoyment. Finally, a foundation of right principle which will stand them in good stead in times of stress.”

For over 80 years, Fahan School has educated girls and young women in an extraordinary home where they are given every opportunity to flourish. They are cared for and taught in a positive and dynamic environment which cherishes learning, spirit and community. Fahan draws on a rich past to navigate the present and the future, and this plan outlines the immediate and longer-term strategies and actions that we will take to enlighten, inspire and ignite young minds and hearts as we move towards Fahan’s 90th year in 2025. The Plan projects initiatives for the School and articulates our deep and ongoing commitment to the education of girls from Kindergarten to Year 12.


+61 3 6225 1064
03 62251263
Tony Freeman
(03) 6225 1064
Karen Di Benedetto
Enrolments Registrar & Assistant to the Principal
03 6225 1064
Fisher Avenue
PO Box 2090
Lower Sandy Bay, Tasmania, Australia
