Evans High School

School / Last updated 4 years, 9 months ago

Evans High School is a comprehensive school based in Blacktown.  It hosts the Evans Intensive English Centre, the Return to School Centre serving Western Sydney and a Support Unit which caters for students with an Austism diagnosis. Our highly dynamic and experienced team of staff support a diverse student body to transition to a range of post-schooling destinations including university, TAFE and to work.

Over 650 students, of whom 28 are ATSI and 68% EAL/D, are catered for in innovative learning environments which are enhanced by state of the art technology and air conditioning. There are focused and supportive Middle and Senior school learning programs through which students are challenged to achieve their goals, grow as leaders and develop into co-operative, polite and responsible young people.

02 9621 3622
02 9831 2747
Walters Rd
Blacktown New South Wales
166 Walters Rd
