Edward Public School

School / Last updated 4 years, 1 month ago

Edward Public School is located in the rural town of Deniliquin and has an approximate population of 8000. It is situated on the Edward River in the Southern Riverina area. The school has an enrolment of approximately 120 students, with 39 students identifying as Aboriginal.

Edward Public School staff and school community work together to provide educational experiences and opportunities that will engage and motivate all students to learn, discover and critically analyse their knowledge, equipping them to become well informed and active citizens of the future. We provide inclusive, diverse and differentiated programs to ensure quality learning opportunities are available for all. 

The school is renowned for its inclusivity and welcoming atmosphere. The range of educational, sporting, creative and cultural opportunities available to our students is extensive.

The school has a highly qualified, experienced staff comprising of a Principal, 2 Assistant Principals, 6 full time classroom teachers, 2 part time classroom teachers, Learning and Support teacher, full time Aboriginal Education Assistant and 11 part time SLSO positions.

There are 6 classes and one Multi Categorical Support Class.

The school is further supported by part-time school counsellor, chaplain and home school liaison officer

The school has a very supportive and active Parents and Citizens association.

03 58812612
03 58815090
Butler St
New South Wales
PO Box 455
