Dulwich Hill Public School

School / Last updated 4 years, 3 months ago

Dulwich Hill Public School has an enrolment of 470 students with a diversity of language and cultural backgrounds. Located in the Inner West of Sydney, it has a small but very active P&C, a dedicated staff and aspirational parents and students with high expectaions for quality learning outcomes.

The school promotes Positive Behaviour for Learning with an enthusiastic team, successfully engaging with all stakeholders to deepen knowledge, understanding and delivery of PBL strategies K-6. Engagement with John Hattie's Visible Learning strategies is ongoing to provide all teachers and students with consistency in learning support across the school. A focus on explicit teaching and meaningful feedback is continuing to be developed. Collaborative programming and related assessment data is embedded for teachers each term, providing students with equity of learning opportunities. Digital skills are being enhanced as teachers build on knowledge and skills gained during Learning from Home. The school is regularly expanding its suite of devices to promote teacher and student engagement with learning more extensively and confidently.

The school has a specialsit music program K-6 and choirs, training and concert bands, ukele groups and recorder groups rehearse and perform regularly. Teachers have continued engagement of students with debating and public speaking competitions, both inside and intra school.

There is strong First Nations program  engaging our Indigenous students and their families. The school has a deep commitment to ensuring all First Nations students, and their peers, have a  thorough knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal histories and cultures across all learning areas.

Sustainability is of high importance across the school and amongst other initiatives, the canteen is plastic free, the school holds regular car free activities and programs K-6 about gardens and gardening promote student awareness  and knowledge of finite resources and of water use amidst climate change.

Currently, the school is engaged with The LEED project and focussing on Collaborarion, Assessment and Effective Use of Data to enhance teacher practices and improve student learning outcomes. Visible Learning strategies, particularly learning intentions and success criteria, explicit teaching and effective feedback continue to be foundational in the development of strong, quality teaching and learning programs.


02 95592699
02 95595676
Kintore St
Dulwich Hill
New South Wales
2-26 Kintore St
