Dorchester School

School / Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago

Dorchester Education and Training Unit (ETU) is located within the Reiby Juvenile Justice Centre in Campbelltown. The school caters to up to 55 incarcerated students (30 female and 25 male) between the ages of 10 and 21. Dorchester serves a significant Aboriginal enrolment. Students are subject to either court-imposed remand or control orders due to serious criminal offences, and the length of their enrolment will vary. Students originate from across NSW and present with behaviour difficulties, emotional disturbance and other complex mental health issues. 

Students are supported through individually tailored teaching/learning experiences to maximise individual success. Preparing students for post-incarceration success is a focus of school programs and aims to engage them in relevant, challenging learning experiences that help close learning gaps, extend practical and academic skills, strengthen resilience and emotional intelligence and promote social responsibility. 

Working with Youth Justice and a range of other government and non-government support agencies is an ongoing feature of Dorchester operation. For more information, please visit: 

Briar Rd
New South Wales
Briar Rd
Campbelltown, New South Wales, Australia
