Denman Public School

School / Last updated 3 years, 5 months ago

Denman Public school is a dynamic and inclusive primary school located in the Hunter Valley. The school has a proud history of educating generations of children from the community of Denman and is an active member of the Muswellbrook Schools Learning Community. Denman Public School has 20 staff, a student enrolment of 162 with 15% identifying as Aboriginal and is supported by strong relationships across the school and broader community. Denman Public School has a proud sporting history, provides opportunities in the performing arts and promotes student responsibility, perseverance, respect, lifelong learning and a desire for students to strive for their best.  

Denman Public School students are informed, creative, independent and skilled learners who persevere and collaborate in meaningful and engaged learning. Teachers, parents and students work in partnership to maintain high expectations and a positive environment where every student is known, valued and cared for. The school values personalised learning and provides a flexible curriculum delivery to meet the needs of all students. Broader connections developing educational links K - 12 and the opportunity for collegial connections are fostered within and across educational settings through the Muswellbrook Learning Community and the Upper Hunter Network of schools.

02 65472491
02 65472603
52 Paxton St
New South Wales
52 Paxton St
