Deniliquin South Public School is a vibrant and innovative learning community that is committed to delivering excellence through high expectations, within a rich and diverse environment. Every student has the opportunity to achieve their personal best through engaged, active learning in a safe, respectful and supportive school. Our current student enrolment is 243. The school has a dedicated staff consisting of early career and experienced teachers who value professionalism, collaboration and a commitment to quality teaching, innovative practice and wellbeing. Staff and parents have high expectations for all students. There is a proactive and supportive parent community who are actively involved in the school, encouraging a strong link between home and school.
Whilst over the past few years the school’s main focus has been to improve the literacy and numeracy standards of students, programs are now also in place to develop the whole child. Increased focus on the arts, environment, technology, healthy lifestyles and a knowledge and appreciation of students with disabilities has been an integral part of our school plan.