Deniliquin High School is a comprehensive, co-educational secondary school located in the South-West of the Riverina. The school has approximately 530 students that come from the township of Deniliquin, surrounding towns and the wider rural community.
The school has a dedicated staff that ranges from beginning to very experienced teachers.
Deniliquin High School has a strong commitment to student engagement, quality teaching and maximising outcomes in literacy and numeracy.
Deniliquin High School promotes a caring and supportive environment, providing programs that cater for students of all ability levels and backgrounds. The school has a Wellbeing Hub that includes counsellors, a Student Support Officer, a Wellbeing Health In-Reach Nurse and a Head Teacher Wellbeing to provide support for students.
Parent and community relationships are highly valued by the school.
The school has five support classes and a Head Teacher support. This is a new position in the school as a result of the increase in suport classes. The position involves working with students with autsim and being a part of the support faculty.