Darcy Road Public School has an enrolment for 2019 of 720 students. The skilled and dedicated staff, at various career stages, provide a balanced and diverse curriculum developing future focused learners in a safe, secure environment. Darcy Road Public Schoolâs enrolment is 94% EAL/D students. Students come from 27 different nationalities. The school has a community language program. The community is highly engaged and families place great value on education. Families are active in school life. The school has a strong emphasis on student wellbeing and is implementing Positive Behaviour for Learning as a means of ensuring a safe environment for all. As a result, all students develop behaviours inside and outside the classroom that increase the potential for high level learning opportunities. The school has a strong emphasis on 21st Century learning encompassing creative and critical thinking, flexible learning spaces and ICT as a tool for learning and living. The school ethos is based on collaborative practise for students, teachers and the community.