Currans Hill Public School

School / Last updated 5 years, 5 months ago

Currans Hill Public School is located in the Macarthur area of NSW. In 2019 the school has an enrolment of 581 students with 21% having a language background other than English and 9% Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background. Learning and well-being are at the forefront of all that occurs at the school. Through the promotion of a climate of care, participation and excellence, the school prides itself on providing a rich curriculum for the students. Currans Hill has been recognised as a dynamic school community clearly demonstrating our motto Growing Together, Learning Together.  Visible Learning, Innovation and Inquiry and Partnerships are at the core of our School Strategic Plan. The school is part of several professional learning networks and staff are committed to the continual improvement of school initiatives and ongoing professional learning to deliver high quality, innovative classroom programs. Opportunities exist for students in art, dance, music, sport, gymnastics, public speaking and student leadership.  Aboriginal Education is well supported within the school. A learning support program for students in need of additional assistance caters for students' social, emotional and learning needs. Learning and Support, Speech and Occupational Therapy Programs complement the work carried out by classroom teachers in personalising programs to meet the needs of all students. The school has a special education unit with 1 multicategorical class (MC), 1 autism class (AU) and 1 intellectually mild class (IM) who plan quality teaching and learning experiences collaboratively. The successful candidate will be required to commence the position for the start of 2020 school year.

02 46485910
02 46485913
10 Tramway Drive
Currans Hill
New South Wales
10 Tramway Dr
