Connells Point Public School

School / Last updated 2 years, 2 months ago

Connells Point Public School, located in Sydney's south, has a student enrolment of 504 students including 76% from non-English speaking backgrounds. The school has a strong reputation in the community for high-quality teaching and learning programs, nurturing wellbeing initiatives and extensive extra-curricular opportunities for all students.

The school's learning environments are student-centred, flexible and conducive to best practice. There are opportunities for teachers to teach collaboratively, utilising expertise and areas of interest. Multiple indoor spaces have been purposefully designed to create flexible environments that support student learning and innovative practice. Sustainability is a strong focus and outdoor spaces provide authentic real-world learning experiences to support the development of our students as global citizens.

Connells Point Public School has a positive behaviour system and has developed a strong and authentic partnership with its five-school Community of Practice and The Transforming Schools team. This is focused on embedding the 4C pedagogy of authentic communication, collaboration, creativity and critical reflection into all aspects of learning and leadership for teachers, students and parents.

The staff and broader school community have very high expectations for student learning and engagement. This is reflected in the school's ability to support the growth and development of student learning and the consistently high number of students achieving positions in Opportunity Classes and Selective High Schools. There is also a strong focus on inclusivity and in 2021 the school introduced its first autism class and in 2023 will have 2 additional classes to form its own Support Unit.

02 95461730
02 95471708
Riverview Ave
New South Wales
2 Riverview Ave
