Concord Public School is a dynamic school, serving a culturally linguistically diverse community. Current enrolment is 303 students from Kindergarten to Year 6, including three classes for students with autism. 72% of students are from non-English speaking backgrounds.
The school vision in to nurture an inclusive and diverse learning community. Students are encouraged to be self-motivated, engaged and respectful. The school offers an extensive and personalised education with differentiated teaching and learning, a focus on self-regulated learning and high standards of literacy and numeracy. Significant programs include an Italian Community Language program, English as an Additional Language/Dialect (EAL/D) program, MultiLit, PBL program, Peer Support and an enrichment program. In addition, the school also offers band, choir, dance and tennis opportunities for students.
All staff are committed professionals who place learning and wellbeing at the centre of their teaching practice. An open and collaborative school culture exists and there is a shared commitment to the development of leadership expertise in an endeavour to maximise student outcomes.The P&C is a very supportive and active part of the school and many wider community partnerships exist, including the KU Playgroup, operating on the school premises every Wednesday.
66 Burwood Rd
New South Wales
66 Burwood Rd