Clapstand Workshops& Incursion

Incursion / Last updated 5 years, 5 months ago

Clapstand offer creative, wholesome and balanced incursions that provide excitement in a safe and fun environment.

Clapstand is about having fun, enjoying the challenge and just being active. We are committed to developing healthy habits in our youth. Clapstand offer creative, wholesome and balanced incursions that provide excitement in a safe and fun environment. Clapstand takes strong consideration insuring the incorporation of Social and Emotional Learning when developing our workshops and incursions. We believe that Social and emotional learning is the ongoing process of developing fundamental skills needed to lead a healthy and fulfilling life. Clapstand has taken the time to ensure that all incursions provided are mapped against current AusVELS to create ease in the selection of incursion. Our planning staff and facilitators are happy to work with you in creating tailored incursions to meet your inquiry/ ‘tuning in’ needs. Clapstand programs are successful as they cater for children of all levels, with a strong focus on having fun. Sessions are programmed to encourage team-based activities and provide everyone the opportunity to achieve success. We are extremely passionate about promoting a healthy and active lifestyle to students of all ages. 


