Chatsworth Island Public School

School / Last updated 4 years, 4 months ago

Chatsworth Island Public School is a rural/coastal school with an enrolment of 57 students. Our Strategic Directions encompass a strong sense of learning, respect and engagement with both our students and the community.

Students are encouraged to be responsible, self-motivated and positive role-models at school and in the wider community.

The school offers an extensive and personalised education with differentiated teaching and learning, student ownership and high standards of literacy and numeracy. Significant programs include, Multilit, Peer Support, gifted and talented opportunities and an extensive creative and performing arts program.

An open and collaborative school culture exists and there is a shared commitment between all stakeholders to maximise student outcomes.

Our families and community members involvement enable us to regularly celebrate success and promote a strong sense of community, pride and belonging amongst all students.

02 66464346
02 66464160
Pacific Hwy
New South Wales
Pacific Hwy
