Capertee Public School

School / Last updated 2 years, 10 months ago

Capertee Public School is a small, rural school with a current enrolment of eight students. It is situated between Lithgow and Mudgee, and is part of the spectacular Capertee Valley and the Lithgow Network.  The school has a family orientated atmosphere with supportive parents and a strong sense of community,  active partnerships with the Aboriginal Education Consultative Group and Wiradyuri Aboriginal Elders who are the traditional custodians of the land in which Capertee Public School is situated.

The Situational Analysis was completed in consultation with the whole school community has identified the elements of high expectations, assessment, feedback and effective classroom practice as areas for improvement.

All programs and goals are individualised to maximise learning outcomes through evidenced based practices. We will aspire to challenge our students, inspiring creativity and critical thinking. Explicit and systematic instruction in reading is part of our practice.

In Numeracy, an effective, evidence based program will be collaboratively created to optimise the learning progress of all students. Staff will participate in lesson observations based on knowledgeable others to embed a whole school teaching pedagogy. Learning will be monitored and tracked to ensure improved growth and achievement.

Promote partnerships in developing well being initiatives to build a positive learning environment so that each student has a voice. We will proactively teach strategies so that students have a connectedness, a sense of belonging and an understanding that relationships matter. Our aim is that every student is known, valued and cared for at Capertee Public School.

02 63590175
02 63590115
Main Rd
New South Wales
35 Castlereagh Hwy
