Canley Heights Public School

School / Last updated 3 years, 3 months ago

Canley Heights Public School is a large primary school located south-west of Sydney in a low/medium density residential area in the Fairfield local government area. The school has a population of approximately 550 students, including 40 preschool children.
The school community is culturally and linguistically diverse with just over 95% of our students coming from language backgrounds other than English. The predominant community languages are Vietnamese, Khmer, Arabic, Samoan and Chinese. A number of students identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander (2.5%). Some of our families identified as being refugees. Our students are supported by significant EAL/D and Community Language programs as well as targeted literacy and numeracy initiatives.
The school's staffing entitlement in 2021 is 57 teaching staff, including 1.6 EAfS funded Instructional Leaders, and 5 non-teaching staff. The socio–economic backgrounds of our families results in the school receiving substantial equity funding which is used to address our students' educational needs. 
The school has an ongoing commitment to the development and delivery of quality teaching and learning programs with an emphasis on all students being literate, numerate and curious. This is achieved through strong, strategic professional learning for all staff that promotes the consistent delivery of high quality, differentiated and engaging learning opportunities that cater for each student's individual needs, passions, talents and potential. Canley Heights Public School has a strong commitment to student wellbeing to address the social/emotional needs of students. Students are offered a broad curriculum with opportunities to engage in a large variety of extra-curricular activities including Operation Art, dance groups, choir, chess, tech club and community fitness programs.
Canley Heights prides itself on its well-presented school grounds that encourage opportunities for teachers to take learning outside of the classroom, utilising a myriad of outdoor learning spaces, as well as a purpose-built technology centre, providing access to high quality educational learning environments that encourage creativity and curiosity. Strong positive relationships are formed between the school and the community with regular opportunities made available for parents, the school and external agencies to work together for the needs of families. This includes forming early relationships through two school facilitated play groups, and offering learning opportunities for parents through English classes on site.

02 97243320
02 97272402
111 Cambridge St
Canley Heights
New South Wales
PO Box 103
